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The Value of Submetering
Intellimeter's first whitepaper!
Reduce energy costs with sub-meter solutions. Learn how master meters, direct meters and sub-meters work can improve your energy efficiency.

Electrical Vehicle Charging Metering & Control System (EVCMC) Description: With more people owning electrical vehicles, the demand for charging stations increases. To make it convenient for his tenants to charge their cars close to home, see how Mike finds a solution using Intellimeter's Electrical Vehicle Metering & Controlling System (i-Meter® EVCMC). Length: 1:43 |
Electrical Vehicle Charging Metering & Control System (EVCMC) Description: See how you can conserve and monitor energy with Intellimeter in a residential scenario! Follow Lanny and his team on working how to keep his residents happy and his energy bills happier in this short video. With the use of submetering equipment provided by Intellimeter, everyone wins! Length: 2:12 |
Intellimeter Inc. Corporate Video Description: Overview of Intellimeter Inc. and the energy management solutions the company is known for. Length: 2:20 |
Intellimeter Product Services Description: A quick overview of Intellimeter's line of products and how they can help benefit to your project needs. Length: 1:32 |
i-meter®45 Overview Programming Guide Description: This video is to assist in the programming of the i-meter®45 in the field. Use this video as an overview of programming the i-meter®45. Length: 3:59 |
i-meter®45 Custom Phasing Programming Guide Description: This video is to assist in the programming of the i-meter®45 in the field. Use this video as a guideline when programming the i-meter®45 with a combination 1, 2, or 3 element metering point. Length: 3:22 |
Intellimeter i-meter®45 Installation &Troubleshooting Description: This video is to assist in installing the Intellimeter Inc.'s i-meter®45 This meter is capable of metering up to 45 single element loads, 22-two element loads, 15-three element loads or a combination of the three. This multi-point, multi-function meter is an easy to install meter module, that will help your customers Measure, Understand and Conserve their electricity consumption. The i-meter®45 can be used for to provide a wide range of tenant billing or energy monitoring applications. This meter displays kwh, V, I, kW, kVa, kVar, PF, Hz. Length: 15:32 |
Intellimeter i-meter®636 Installation & Troubleshooting Description: This video is to assist in installing the Intellimeter Inc.'s i-meter®636 This meter is capable of metering up to 16 single element loads, 8-two element loads, or 5-three element loads. This multi-point, multi-function meter is an easy to install meter module, that will help your customers Measure, Understand and Conserve their electricity consumption. The i-meter®636 can be used for to provide a wide range of tenant billing or energy monitoring applications. This meter displays kwh, V, I, kW, kVa, kVar, PF, Hz. Length: 6:45 |
Intellimeter i-meter®MF12 Installation & Troubleshooting Description: This video is to assist in installing the Intellimeter Inc.'s i-meter®MF12. This meter is capable of metering up to 12 single element loads, 6-two element loads, or 4-three element loads. This multi-point, multi-function meter is an easy to install meter module, that will help your customers Measure, Understand and Conserve their electricity consumption. The i-meter®MF12 can be used for to provide a wide range of energy monitoring. This meter displays V,I, kW, kVa, kVar, PF, Hz, THD (V/I). Length: 8:31 |
Intellimeter i-meter®MF6 Installation & Troubleshooting Description: This video is to assist in installing the Intellimeter Inc.'s i-meter®MF6. This six element, with 1 neutral, multi-point multi-function meter is an easy to install meter module, that will help your customers Measure, Understand and Conserve their electricity consumption for one load. The i-meter®MF6 is a Measurement Approved metering device which can be used for tenant billing or energy monitoring. This meter displays V,I, kW, kVa, kVar, PF, Hz, THD (V/I). Length: 14:22 |
Intellimeter i meter®MF3 Installation & Troubleshooting Description: This video is to assist in installing the Intellimeter Inc.'s i-meter®MF3. This three element, single-point multi-function meter is an easy to install meter module, that will help your customers Measure, Understand and Conserve their electricity consumption for one load. The i-meter®MF3 is a Measurement Approved metering device which can be used for tenant billing or energy monitoring. This meter displays V,I, kW, kVa, kVar, PF, Hz, THD (V/I). Length: 10:50 |
i-Meter MF Series Product Sheet
i-Meter 45 Product Sheet
i-Meter 636 Product Sheet
Socket Meters
i-Meter ST Meter Product Sheet
i-Meter XT Meter Product Sheet
Radio Gate Data on Demand
Water Meter
Water Meter Product Sheet
Gas Meters
AC-250 Diaphragm Meter Product Sheet
AL-425 Diaphragm Meter Product Sheet
AC-630 Diaphragm Meter Product Sheet
AL-1000 Diaphragm Meter Product Sheet
BTU Meters
BTU Meter Product Sheet
Electric Vehicle Charger Metering and Control (EVCMC)
Electric Vehicle Charger Metering and Control (EVCMC) Product Sheet
i-meter 45 & 636 Modbus Registers
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